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荣誉计划的五名学院学生将在今年的全国高中道德碗(NHSEB)中组队比赛。. This competition challenges students to discuss current, real-world situations involving ethical dilemmas. Chisimdi Nnabugwu, Zara Okoli, 埃弗里亚伯拉罕, 茱莉亚德宾, 和安娜贝尔·汤普森将参加2月3日在休斯敦莱斯大学举行的地区比赛, 德州. 

1993年,罗伯特·莱德森(Robert Ladeson)为他在伊利诺伊理工学院(Illinois Institute of 技术)教授的一门伦理学课制定了全国高中道德碗的教学计划, but the competition officially started in 2012 with co-founder, University of North Carolina’s Parr Center for Ethics 和 the Squire Family Foundation. The mission of this program is to promote respectful, 支持, 和 thorough conversations about ethics.

For the competition, 五人小组将参加讨论,要求他们在评审小组面前捍卫一个特定情况是否合乎道德的立场. The cases are provided in advance, 和 the team has been researching the details 和 preparing their claims in practice sessions. The competition is designed more as a collaborative discussion than a debate. 为了赢, 女孩们不仅要证明她们对案件进行了批判性思考,以提出有充分信息的主张,还要证明她们倾听并尊重地回应了讨论中提出的其他观点.

Team practices with Ms. Guillory during the first semester began with a reading of a case, followed by comments from each team member. As Julia explained team practices, “The team establishes each person’s stance on the scenario, 和, without any specific order or assigned role, 我们提供输入. Each case usually has three or four questions accompanying it, which we go through to refine our thinking. We cover two cases each practice, 我们通常在第一个案例结束时我们都同意形成一个临时索赔,比如, “是的, 但前提是,’ or, ‘No, 但也许.’”

Zara阐述, “团队实践让我们意识到,可能没有正确的答案来解决我们被要求考虑的困境, 因此,我们必须根据我们的伦理知识选择一个,同时也要皇冠365官方app其他可能性,并在话语中保持道德观点.”

The team consists of two seniors from Nigeria 和 three juniors from 路易斯安那州. According to Annabelle, “Because our team consists of girls with different backgrounds 和 perspectives, this strengthens our arguments because we all process the prompts differently. I have really enjoyed participating in the Ethics Bowl thus far, 和 it has widened my underst和ing of all topics. It taught me that everything is nuanced 和 nothing has a simple answer or solution.”

Since the cases are based on real-world issues, 学生们一直在学习许多不同的主题,否则他们可能不知道或考虑. “今年,我们研究的主题从学校午餐的饮食限制到核武器,艾弗里解释道。.

Julia appreciates the broad scope of topics this competition engages. 她说:“我最喜欢荣誉课程的部分是我可以研究重要的和当前的话题. 道德碗, I can research topics extending from space travel to video games, 和 then I apply that information to work out whether an action is ethical.” 

“例如,茱莉亚接着说, 在一个案例中, 我们考虑了人工智能产品是否应该受到与艺术品同样的版权保护. 讨论后, 我们的结论是,如果不首先回答“什么是艺术”这个问题,我们就不能讨论什么形式的艺术应该受到保护?“一般, our research topics are very broad, 如果没有听到别人的意见,我们就不会去皇冠365官方app更深层次的话题.”

对艾弗里来说,努力理解不同的观点,并在回应道德问题时从道德上承认这些观点,是“一段有趣而有益的经历”. 她说, “我获得了团队合作和独立研究的技能,以及对当前情况进行批判性思考并提出合理意见的能力. 我学会了在各种情况下理解道德的复杂性,并考虑到人的尊严以及某些决定如何影响他人.”

Simdi在对涉及伦理困境的案例的研究和讨论中发现了一些基本模式. 她说, “Firstly, you never have all the details. 很多时候,我们认为如果所有变量都不存在,就不可能推导出答案. 对NHSEB的培训告诉我,很少有案例能整齐地呈现所有变量. 与科学, there is never only one right answer, 和 your first answer is the one most susceptible to change. 通常, when I read a question pertaining to a case, I am so quick to give an answer that I believe is a no-brainer. 然而, following conversation with my teammates, my initial stance is often revised or changed entirely.”

Zara之所以选择参加NHSEB,是因为她计划在大学攻读法律预科的国际关系专业. 她说, “在律师周围弥漫着不信任和怀疑的气氛的法律领域,道德尤其重要. 我将通过这个项目的过程中获得的知识作为一个重要的指导,以确保正确的行为在我未来的日常法律实践.”

Annabelle is also using NHSEB as preparation for her future legal career. 她解释说, “这是一个很好的机会来提高我的公共演讲技巧,同时也学习如何制定具体的, well thought out arguments. 我想进入法律领域,并认为这个机会是获得辩论经验的好方法. 我还认为,通过陈述基于证据的主张,这是一种在小组环境中工作的独特方式, while also listening 和 appreciating others’ arguments.”

The debate aspect of the competition also appealed to Julia. 她说, “Since our school does not have a speech 和 debate team, 这是一个与志同道合的同行进行学术讨论的好机会,可以回答当今世界的热门问题. 往年, my Honors research has gone toward proving one claim; however, with the Ethics Bowl competition, there are a variety of nuanced claims I can make because there is not one specific answer. 整体, 我最感兴趣的是我通过参加道德碗团队而获得的积极和知情的话语.”

Simdi计划进入全球政治世界,并重视比赛的目标,即鼓励团队“通过协作的形式进行合理的分析或解决方案”.西姆迪继续说, “By participating 和 training for this competition, 我相信,我正在训练自己与联合国的同龄人或比较政治课上的同学进行建设性的合作,以对任何社会困境做出合乎道德的回应.”

对艾弗里, NHSEB is a way to build her college resume, but she is most eager “to harness the gifts this experience has given me.她解释道, “I believe that this experience will not only challenge me academically, but also make me empathetic to the complex situations around me. Ethics Bowl will help me to be a better student 和, 更重要的是, a better person who can leave an impact on the world.”

据女士说. Guillory, the girls are “a dream team,” 和 she anticipates that they will represent the school well at the regional competition. For Simdi, though, winning is not the only goal. 为她, 最重要的是团队以更强的论证能力完成项目. “At the end of the day, 如果我和我的队友能够达到NHSEB的目标,提出有意义的论点,并能够将从比赛中吸取的经验教训应用到我们的日常话语中, then I will say we performed a job well done.”